Biblical Meaning Of Walking On Air In A Dream

Someone sent me a message that he had a dream where he was flying and then suddenly walking on air. In his words, “When I got up from sleep, for some minutes, I felt like the rapture had just occurred and I was rejected.” Such dreams could be a puzzling experience, but what do they mean?

Biblical meaning of walking on air in a dream

Spiritual gifts

Walking on air in a dream reveals that the dreamers have received gifts of prophecy, healing, delivering, counseling, the Holy Spirit, teaching, or gaining wisdom. But you have to be born of the spirit to sustain and utilize this gift. John 3:8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

God’s gift is without repentance; not even your sins can take them away. However, the degree to which you will operate this gift is equal to your effort of consecration to God. Jesus was able to heal the sick in a matter of seconds because it was his custom to pray and fast for over 4 hours every day (Luke 22:39).

There was a young man who was told that he was the next to be a king in a land. Having heard this, he stopped working or making any effort to develop himself. When it was time for them to crown him, another man was crowned instead because he was more educated and financially prepared for the position.

No matter how many people may have prophesied you are great and possess the gifts of the spirit, if you don’t put in the effort, you will end up not utilizing those gifts, and you will answer for your actions in heaven. Even Jesus still had to go and learn for a while before his ministry kicked off.

Divine favor

Walking on air in the dream reveals God’s divine favor up until the dreamer’s life. The dreamer is about to receive divine speed to fulfill things in areas of their lives that have been crawling or stagnant.

Numbers 11:23 “The LORD answered Moses, “Is the LORD’s arm too short? Now you will see whether or not what I say will come true for you.”

God’s divine favor comes into our lives not because of how hard we pray or fast, but because of his mercies. Your dream is an indication that his light has come upon you, and things will begin to work differently, and you will experience peace.

Deliverance from burdens, curses, and foundational chains

Walking on air dreams reveals that God has lightened your burdens and freed you from the yolks and cages of the devil, but you have to ensure not to do things or harbor thoughts that will keep yolking you.

When the devil tempted Jesus in Matthew 4:1-11, it was not a physical exercise of carrying him up and down; it all happened in Jesus’s mind. The devil works with the mind—where he tries to cage you in fear of failure, relationship breakdown, rejection, curses, etc.

When God delivers you, there is always a clause. In the case of Mary of Bethany, Jesus asked her to go and sin no more. In the case of the nine lepers, God sorts appreciation to make them whole. In the case of your deliverance, God is seeking that you don’t limit yourself with your thoughts or actions.

Faith in trials

The dreamer is about to experience or may currently be experiencing a tough stage in life, but God intends that you perceive through the trials as it will help build your faith in him and bridge the gap of communication between you and him.

James 1:12 “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”

Christianity is not a journey devoid of challenges. The more you grow, the more challenges you may face, but do not be dismayed, for we are not of this world and should not let the care of this life take away our mind from what matters most—making it to heaven with as many people as we can.


On some occasions, your dream could be an indication of witchcraft or satanic initiation. After having this dream, your life and that of those who will have intercourse with you or tell you about their plans will be filled with disappointments.

This is when you can tell you have been initiated by the words of your mouth, persons you may have had intercourse with, or what you ate in your dream of physically. You will need to fast and pray extensively for God’s mercy and deliverance.

Summing up

The biblical meaning of walking on air in a dream reveals the dreamer has the gift of prophesy, healing, deliverance, praying, or seeing visions, but needs to yield their time and attention to God for total manifestation. Also, the dreamer may have been initiated into a satanic coven through intercourse or food.

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