Biblical Meaning Of Fingernails In A Dream

Dreams are like Pandora’s puzzle boxes; you don’t know what you may see or how to put together what you eventually see, but each piece carries great information that could change your life, just like in the case of the biblical meaning of fingernails in a dream.

Some dreams may seem absurd; like, why should you be seeing fingernails in the dream? But I guarantee you that you have just been delivered from a problem, or you may just have found the root cause of the problem you face in your life.

With prophetic revelation from God and the aid of the Bible, we will dissect this dream in as many contexts as possible, but if you want a more bespoke interpretation, feel free to drop your dreams in the comment box, and I will interpret them as soon as I can. Let us proceed!

Biblical meaning of fingernails in a dream


The biblical meaning of fingernails in the dream (unkempt or poorly cut) depicts a lack of proper communication. You don’t know how to express your wants, needs, and feelings with words; rather, you resort to manipulation, anger, and frustration.

Communication is a basic skill that we are mostly meant to have learned from our parents, but unfortunately, most homes don’t impact their wards with these basic survival skills, leading to lots of frustrated people who can’t communicate how they feel about certain things.

According to your dream, this poor communication is leading to problems in your relationship, amongst your friends, in your family, and in most places where you find yourself in life.


Dreaming about fingernails in the dream signifies that you don’t take care of your appearance and environment well enough, and this will prevent you from fulfilling your destiny or reaching a great height physically and spiritually (James 4:17).

When it comes to spirituality, cleanliness is an under-discussed concept, but it bears a huge spiritual weight. As little as putting a dirty cloth on before your sleep could alter your dream and allow the devil to change what you were meant to see.

Even without prayers, a clean environment attracts lots of positive spirits, a relaxing ambiance, and the presence of God, which in turn heightens your vision and channels of communication with God and prevents certain spiritual attacks.

Some years ago, I met with a lady (through a referral) who was bitterly complaining about how men don’t like to be with her after the first date, or if they have liberties with her, they don’t stay up to a week before they’re out of her life.

I received a revelation, and I told her that her life was marred with the spirit of reproach and that a veil of garbage had been placed on her. Further, I was more sincere, telling her that if I were to see her on the way, I wouldn’t even consider stopping her or asking her for a date.

If looking at her, you could see zero effort, then how would she be able to put in any effort towards our joint goals if we were to be together? I followed her to her house, and that was just a story for another day.

Now, her kind would pray, fast, and attend church services—thinking a witch of some sort is pursuing her, but she is her own Waterloo. She had dirty clothes; I am sure there would be lots of dirty undies there, and the house just had this absurd odor.

The same goes for lots of men and ladies; if you don’t take care of yourself and your environment, you will become physically unattractive and spiritually available for enemies to manipulate good things in your life.


Fingernails in dreams represent the lack of persistence in your life. You don’t see things through. As soon as you encounter difficulty in anything, you quit, which will prevent you from fulfilling your destiny (James 1:12).

I once fell into this bracket when I was much younger; I hardly pursued things to the end, but I noticed I was achieving too little with my life. While I was introspecting, I discovered that the friends I surrounded myself with were all fearmongers; they always saw the negativity or how things were not going to work out, discouraging me from doing anything.

So, you have to look deep into your life; what is preventing you from fulfilling your talents? Is it the friends around you? Are you afraid to fail? or do you procrastinate a lot?


You lack creativity, and you are not resourceful. You wait for people to tell you what to do, and you never take initiative because of fear of being blamed for things not going well. All these stem from bad parenting.

You are adorned with talents that will make you a light in your generation, but if you don’t put these talents to use, you will end up a failure with nothing to show for all your years of work.

Read: Biblical meaning of cutting nails in dreams.


Daniel 4:33 Immediately the word concerning Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled; and he was driven away from mankind and began eating grass like cattle, and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair had grown like eagles’ feathers and his nails like bird’s claw.

If you don’t listen to advice and think all you say or know it the best, you will always make multiple mistakes in life, as the meaning of fingernails in a dream portends.

This dream highlights that you are unnecessarily proud, and this has led to displays of anger where not necessary, losing people who are meant to be a part of your ladder to success, and even losing your family.


Fingernails in dreams (cutting or painting) reveal that you need to start putting effort into everything you find yourself doing. If you won’t give it your all, don’t even start at all.

Your attitude towards everything in your life will determine the energy that good forces and people around you will equally invest in things that concern you.

Biblical meaning of painting fingernails in a dream

Applying nail polish or painting your fingernails in the dream represents the need to start taking care of your appearance; you are not utilizing your talents or creative juice. and you need to learn to be diplomatic: say little and listen more.

Long fingernails spiritual meaning

Long fingernails in the dream represent protection from evil. It also depicts that you will acquire money and power, but you should be careful of the sexual intercourse you rope yourself in, so your virtue is not drained and your destiny is delayed.

Short fingernails biblical meaning

Dreams about short fingernails could represent your temperament and your standing with God. Shortnails represent anger and emotional burdens, while shortnails also represent a growing spiritual life.

Summing Up

The biblical meaning of fingernails in a dream represents the need to start communicating effectively with the people in your life, keeping your body and environment clean, making efforts in your life, and persisting in everything you do.

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