Biblical Meaning Of Python In Dream

All kinds of snakes instill fear as we perceive them as deadly, but this is not always true. Pythons are solitary, non-venomous reptiles with a heightened sense of smell and sight. However, in spirit, they have a more aggressive representation. So, what is the biblical meaning of python in dreams?

People possessed by a Python spirit struggle to make progress in life. Pythons bite and constrict their prey until they suffocate before swallowing them. Likewise, if the python spirit has been projected onto you, your joy, happiness, finances, and everything good in your life will be constricted.

For a more contextual explanation of your dream, feel free to drop it in the comment box, and I will interpret it as soon as possible.

Biblical meaning of python in dream


If you dream about a python chasing you, numerous sicknesses have been projected onto you to devour your finances. The forces that projected this sickness know you will pray if you go to the hospital and the doctor says nothing is wrong with you.

So, they want you to be the one to attract sickness to yourself. If you have developed an unusual liking for eating high-cholesterol foods or drinking alcohol excessively, you may soon experience cardiac arrest that will turn you into a vegetable.

Also, suppose you engage in random extramarital or casual coitus with several partners. You are bound to contract diseases that will last with you for life, if you haven’t already contracted them.

1 Corinthians 10:9 We should not test Christ, as some of them did—and were killed by snakes.

Don’t forget, the mishap that comes with this dream will be caused by you. Pray extensively and ask God for strength to overcome your weakness. Cut down on unhealthy eating and drinking and stick to your partner.

Read: having a dream.of a black car? Here is what it means.


Dreaming about Python shows that you live a life of fear. Fear is the easiest way for evil forces to penetrate your life. Your dream is warning you to overcome fear and make Christ your shield, or you will attract failure, losses, rejection, and stagnancy into your life.

While it is not yet scientifically confirmed, if you have handled a snake before, you would have noticed that once you show signs of being scared or stressed, they will respond to your state of being. Banish every form of fear that is giving evil forces the ticket to camp around you.


Seeing a python in the dream indicates that you are the victim of envious witchcraft. There are several forms of witchcraft. The most common form you may know is a spiritual coven used in launching attacks.

The second form of witchcraft is the witchcraft of the heart. When I envy you and wish you evil, even without a coven, I am projecting evil forces into your life.

The mind is a strong spiritual object and the common route for evil spirits or good forces to possess a person. If you want to test the power of the mind, from today until the next five days, begin to wish that someone you know calls you. You will be shocked at how it will happen.

Now, if someone possessed with the spirit of witcraft is envious of you—wishing you evil—you will dream of a python staring at you, chasing you, or even constricting you.

Don’t take this dream for granted; fast and pray until the source of the evil is fished out and destroyed. Be careful of unfriendly friends today.

Spirit of Python

Unfortunately for most of us, we come from families where our forefathers worshiped different kinds of spirits. When you don’t worship these spirits like your fathers and mothers before you, they will begin to hunt you. You will begin to have all manner of scary, strange dreams.

Dreams of being chased by a python show that ancestral forces are after your life. I pity you if you live a reckless life or suppose you pay no attention to your spiritual growth—your life will be played like a football in a stadium.

Dreaming about being bitten by a python reveals that the spirit of the python has passed you. You will be a source of bad luck for people around you. As a child, you will always be sick, causing your parents to spend unnecessarily.

In your workplace, they will keep experiencing loss until they get rid of you. In your marriage, you will be a source of sorrow to your partner and kids. There are two ways out of this bondage: serve the spirit or turn to God for deliverance.

Monitoring spirits

When you dream of a python staring at you, satanic covens are monitoring your life. Anytime good things want to take place, from nowhere, there will be disappointments.

You are meant to have attained a fulfilled state in life, but these spirits drain you of your virtue and replace your elevation in life with constant depression and rejection.

You will notice your love life is unstable, and you cannot save properly or explain where your finances are headed. Pray to God for deliverance while thanking him for revealing and dismantling the source of your sorrows.

Seein lots of Pythons in a dream

If you see lots of pythons in the dream, the enemies are trying to afflict you with the spirit of infertility. If you have already had kids, then they are trying to inflict one of your kids with the spirit of shamelessness, which will make you wish you never had a child. When this starts manifesting, just know that it is a projection of the enemy. However, you can cancel it now with prayers.

Dreaming of a python in your house

Dreaming of a python in your house reveals that there will be constant disunity in your family. A house where there is no unity or agreement will never prosper.

This dream also reveals that the previous tenants or landlord committed evil in the house where you are living. They buried something that takes charge of the lives of anyone who inhabits the house. You need prayers for deliverance or to move out of the house.

Biblical meaning of killing a python in a dream

Killing a python in the dream shows that you have defeated your enemies. You are a strong representative of Christ in the spirit world. No evil can harm you or your dwelling place. However, do not relent. Keep studying the word and spending time in God’s presence so you can grow even further (Luke 10:9).

Mark 16:18 “They will pick up snakes with their hands, and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”

You are a vessel of God, and he wants to use you to exploit the kingdom. Yield yourself further to his guidance, and you will never regret your decision. Though there may be trial and temptation, he will uphold you in his righteousness and use you to wipe away the afflictions and tears of many.

Biblical meaning of a python chasing you in a dream

When you dream about a python chasing you, it indicates that ancestral forces are after your life. If you don’t serve them, they will cripple your efforts. Now is the strongest time for you to stand on the fence. You have to hold on to Jesus with all you have, and he will deliver you.

This dream also reveals the presence of frenemies and evil family members. Be careful with whom you share your secrets or anything good that is about to happen in your life. If possible, don’t tell anyone. Keep them to yourself until it happens.

Biblical meaning of a python biting you in a dream

You lack power in the spirit when you dream of a python biting you. You don’t put in any effort, making you an empty vessel the enemy wants to possess or finish.

God has given us the power to step on scorpions and snakes, but if it is the other way around, then you should know you are empty spiritually, giving the enemies an upper hand in your life.

If you are living a life of sin, you may want to retrace your steps and go back to God. In the meantime, seek deliverance and pray tirelessly for God, in his infinite mercy, to purge evil deposits from your life.

Summing Up

The biblical meaning of python in dream unravels the wickedness of ancestral spirits, witchcraft, unfriendly friends, and python spirits in your life. You need deliverance and prayers to break free from every bondage that will bring misery to your life and the lives of people around you.

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