Paper in a dream can mean lots of things, depending on the kind of dream. When you write in a dream, see a canvas to convey a piece of information, or include your name for a reason, it means a lot, but signing a paper in a dream? Then even more is going on spiritually and physically.
The biblical meaning of signing paper in a dream reveals that you have undertaken a good or bad covenant that will greatly impact your life. It also means that your actions will bring you success or massive failure. Further, the dream calls for you to guard your lips and pay attention to your spiritual growth.
As I always advocate, dreams have become the easiest channel God uses in communicating with people he loves, since we have used so much anxiety, fears, and worries to create so much noise in our minds that we fail to hear God when he speaks with us directly. This piece will help you uncover the meaning of your dream.
Biblical meaning of signing paper in a dream
A good or bad covenant that will positively or negatively affect your life
1) Covenant is a spiritual concept that people barely speak about, but it bears a lot of weight. There are numerous stories of people undertaking a blood covenant, going against it, and paying a grave price for it. Our Christian life is based on covenants, and as you have read countless times in the Bible, God has to look back at the covenants he made with people’s ancestors to spare them.
A typical example is Genesis 12:2–3, where God made a covenant with Abraham: And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you, all the families of the earth shall be blessed.
However, the Bible acknowledges that while men slept, the enemies came and sowed tares (Matthew 13:25). The devil has no power to physically inflict you; he could only project thoughts into you or other people to inflict different levels of misfortune on you.
The act of signing a paper in the dream is more like consent for the devil to carry out numerous activities in your life. This could be your character, the word of your mouth, or not paying attention to your spiritual life, which may have given him the upper hand. To be more clear, this is true if you didn’t see the face of the person who handed you the paper, if the person was in a black or red robe, or if the person was a figure without a face.
Most people have eaten in the dream, singed stuff in the dream, sold cars, or carried out different activities that meant giving the upper hand to demonic beings to afflict you. The funny thing is that they neglect such dreams. The best way out of this is to engage in fasting and prayers, ask God to restore your virtue, and dissolve any demonic covenant that will bring problems to your life.
2) The biblical meaning of signing paper in a dream is also a sign of spiritual gain or growth. Once you genuinely give your life to Jesus, the holy spirit seals you unto the day of redemption (2 Corinthians 1:21-22). So, signing a paper in your dreams is a reassurance that God approves and is happy about your recent actions to get closer to him.
Singing paper in the dream: A need for you to become more accountable to yourself
The best form of truth is the one we tell ourselves. There is nothing that hinders people like their personal actions. Everything happening to you is not the manipulation of your enemies. We bring evil to our doorsteps with our actions and inactions.
You need to examine your life and root out all the weeds that may have developed: procrastination, insincerity, wickedness, taking what doesn’t belong to you, not setting goals and pursuing them, living an aimless life, and not chasing what matters most—a life with Christ.
There is no need to beat yourself up for the mistakes you may have made; it is time to dust yourself up and make the necessary corrections, and the favors, peace, joy, and spirit of the Lord will return to you, manifesting light in your life and making it evident that you are serving a living God.
Guard your lips; something great is coming
Nothing brings delay to people’s lives like a loose tongue. When I learned the wickedness of people’s hearts, I mastered keeping my secrets and doing good things for myself. A quick quiz I’d like you to take is to ask yourself if your heart is 100% pure toward everyone; if not, why do you think everyone will have a pure heart toward you?
Witchcraft operates in different forms; besides those who stay in covens and launch attacks, bearing unforgiveness, feeling bad about someone, or things happening in people’s lives can project an ambiance of destruction.
Some ears are not meant to know about that good thing that is about to happen or that is even happening. It can be painful sometimes; it could even be family members who don’t enjoy hearing good tales from your life. You must post about that promotion, that business deal, that proposal, or those good things about to happen.
Also, be careful of the confessions you make in your life. Don’t be quick to project negativity, even when it is obvious. Your mouth carries lots of power and should only be a source of blessing for you. Become conscious of what goes out of your mouth, as the biblical meaning of signing paper in a dream depicts.
Finally, and most importantly, pay attention to your spiritual life
Most people may refer to people who don’t believe in God and yet prosper in what they do. The truth is that certain principles govern the earth, and if you abide by them, you will excel in anything you do.
As Christians, we are supposed to excel without stress, but we fail to follow basic Christian principles. We don’t care about watering our spiritual life, and we remain baby Christians for the entirety of our lives, not wanting to work out our salvation.
Once your Christian life is attended to while also fulfilling the principles that govern the earth, you will gain what money cannot fetch you—peace of mind! The devil knows the power you will wield if you study and fellowship, and he always gives you reasons not to. Do not be ignorant of his devices (2 Corinthians 2:11).
Summing Up
The biblical meaning of signing paper in a dream shows the loss of momentum in your efforts to grow spiritually. The need for you to guard your tongue from spilling every good thing about to take place in your life to avoid delay. Self-accountability while being aware of the devil’s plot to covenant with you and rip you off your virtues.