You can have a dream of having intercourse with someone if you think about it or see an arousing thing before bedtime, and when you wake, you’ll utter, “What a coincidence.” But is it really a coincidence?
Also, in some cases, you may not have had any thoughts whatsoever but still have dreams of someone ejaculating in you.
In my years of interpreting dreams and receiving feedback, there are certain patterns I have noticed over time: people who have any form of intercourse in their dreams tend to experience mishaps shortly after, but this is not always the case.
There is nothing like casual sex, as sex opens the portals of your life, be it in a dream or your waking life. I will be discussing more about this as the article progresses. Without further ado, here is the meaning of your dream:.
Dream of someone ejaculating in you spiritual meaning
Someone ejaculating in you represents that you have weak self-will and can be easily manipulated, and that people constantly seek to take advantage of your loving and caring disposition.
Life is a cruel place where everyone seeks their own benefits without minding the cost, which can be someone else’s emotions or happiness.
In such a world, there is a need for us to set boundaries so that people don’t drain us emotionally, turning us into bins where they can dump all their waste.
The dreamer will become sick, developing a terminal illness that will cost so much time and finances to treat or manage after seeing someone ejaculate in them in the dream.
The act of someone having their way with you in the dream, most times, leads to delay and stagnancy, but when they go ahead and ejaculate in you, a whole lot worse things happen.
Your sexual organs are like doorways to other realms of your life and can control a whole lot of events in your life. Have you ever noticed a sudden financial burst, felt drained, or experienced certain losses after mating with someone?
As for the financial bursts, such individuals have a great aura and should not be engaging in casual sexual activities. As for being drained or experiencing setbacks after intercourse, the individual you may have been with has had their lives compromised by negative forces accumulated with their numerous experiences.
In dreams, negative forces can come and have intercourse with you in a bid to deposit certain sicknesses into your body and negativity into your life.
The sad thing is that these spirits have the right moves to keep you happy and patient until they ejaculate into you. I have trained myself to instantly wake up from any dream where I see someone approaching me naked or trying to romance me, as I know the outcome.
Someone ejaculating in you reveals that you may begin to experience losses in your finances, rejection, and the lack of people putting in efforts to satisfy you or fulfill their promises to you.
In the earlier period of my spiritual life, when I was trying to find my feet and didn’t know much, I constantly had dreams of someone coming to sleep with me.
It was a great experience, which felt nice since I wasn’t seeing anyone, but I began to notice something terrible. This dream was not occurring randomly, but it always came when something good was about to happen or I was starting to blossom in a certain area of my life. This is when I knew there was more to it.
Suppose someone makes a promise to get me something or do something for me—I’d have that dream—and the person begins to tell stories or stop answering my calls. The same thing happens when I try to close deals.
Most people who have communicated with me mentioned similar experiences.
So what is the way out? If you believe in God, consecrate yourself to Him in prayers and fasting, and you will be delivered. If you believe in other gods, I believe they should have rituals of purification or deliverance that you can undergo.
Desire (sowing a seed)
The dreamer may begin to find themselves in a state of constant desire to get intimate after having dreams about someone ejaculating in them.
This evil projection will make the dreamer go after people who will infect them with certain diseases. Or it will make them cheat on their partner and get caught.
The major aim of this projection is to get you to destroy something good in your life by making you have an abnormal desire to get intimate.
Spiritual husband
This topic is quite controversial, as many don’t believe in it. Most people don’t believe in God or any form of spiritual being, but does that take away from the fact that they exist? No!
In the past two decades, I have come across numerous hypotheses from scientists, inquiring into other possible realms or beings that may exist, such as the concept of “quantum jumping” in metaphysics.
From my personal experiences and those of many people who have come to me to interpret their dreams and narrate their experiences, I can tell you that spiritual spouses exist.
If you constantly experience rejection in your life, men don’t last in your life, you experience certain setbacks (that no longer feel random), or you are constantly emotionally drained, then there is a presence of a spiritual husband as your dream portends.
Dream of someone ejaculating on you spiritual meaning
When someone ejaculates on you in a dream, it reflects your strong sexual desire for someone or that you are unsatisfied sexually. It also means you are or will undergo relationship problems as a result of pre- and post-marital curses gotten from offending people or ancestral curses.
Summing Up
Dream of someone ejaculating in you spiritual meaning reveals the dreamer will become sick and experience a financial loss. It also signifies a lack of boundaries and the presence of a spiritual spouse, which is causing rejection in the dreamer’s life.