Receiving Money From A Dead Person In A Dream

Dreaming of a dead person, be it chasing you with a machete, giving you money or advice, or eating with you, is one of the most chilling experiences you could have. In most cases, when you wake up, the dream could leave you racing to the closest person you can find for reassurance that you are alive.

Dream about dead people; while it may be comforting to people who just lost a loved one, the dreamer has to be careful so as not to be exploited by familiar spirits.

In my years of interpreting dreams, I have heard about lots of strange dead people’s dreams, including showing details of their properties or wealth, pinpointing who killed them, and so forth.

But in a few other cases, after the encounter with dead people, the dreamer begins to experience a decline in certain areas of their lives. Someone once confided in me about the suicidal feelings she started having after eating with a dead person. Without further ado, let’s explore what your dream means.

Receiving money from a dead person in a dream

Transfer of burdens

A dream of receiving money from a dead person you know or don’t know indicates that the person may have just transferred to you the burdens they bore while they were alive, which could include premature death, debt, unfulfillment, depression, or several other mishaps.

In some families, there are what we call foundational problems, or patterns. Some people lose their husbands at an early age, just like their mothers. Some people never get to break free from the shackles of poverty, just like their fathers. Some die in a certain age bracket. and some people possess nasty characters that scare their helpmates away from them.

This is no coincidence. I had a friend in my university days; she was so charitable and loving and happened to be the head pastor of our fellowship. She taught us how to pray and fast, and we loved spending time at her place because she loved cooking for us.

However, she suddenly died. I was shocked and left with lots of questions, like: Is God really there and still letting such a lovely person pass on? I couldn’t grumble; I couldn’t cry; I just couldn’t believe it.

However, when we went for her burial, what drew tears out of my eyes was when one of her brothers came out and said, “This is the fifth person dying at the age of 40 in this house.”.

When I got home, I struggled to sleep. I tried watching movies, praying, or studying, but it wasn’t working. Before I could tell, I slept, and then I had a dream; in that dream, I saw that pastor of mine—moving in circles with certain people I couldn’t recognise.

This is when it dawned on me that she was battling family patterns. To break free from such patterns, in addition to praying, ensure not to repeat the actions of your parents or parents before them. If possible, quiz your parents to know what you are dealing with.

Divine intervention

Suppose you have been struggling with your finances, and it seems like you may have made the wrong career choice, or you find yourself in constant debt. In that case, the dream of receiving money from a dead person indicates that you have received a divine intervention that will positively turn around the events of your life.

For this intervention to manifest, you have to get your stuff together. Blaming yourself for your condition or comparing yourself with your friends who are doing better will only worsen your condition.

Quit gambling and regretting and start observing the online space, your neighbourhood, and everywhere. You will begin to see opportunities that will bring you out of the mess you find yourself in and change your financial status.

Restoration of lost contact

Someone who is destined to be of help at the next stage of your life will reconnect with you. This could be a person you lost contact with many years ago.

However, be careful not to initiate any sexual move or shady deal, because such moves will ruin the relationship and cause a further delay in your life.


Receiving money from a dead person is a headstart for self-improvement and discovery. It is good to be content, but you were destined to achieve more than you currently have. So, it is time to discover your life purpose and milk it till the end.

According to Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, self-discovery is one of the most important things we seek as humans after we have settled on feeding, clothing, roofing, loving, and being loved.

Most people live in regret and even consider suicide, as they keep seeing themselves as failures who never made reasonable attempts to actualize themselves. Your dream is a warning for you to discover yourself at any cost to avoid regretting it in your later years.

Emotional maturity

You lack emotional maturity, act impulsively, can’t control your utterances or feelings, or don’t know how to express yourself, making people (including your loved ones) take advantage of you.

You need to set boundaries and teach people to honour your boundaries. Allowing people to override your decisions for no tangible reason can affect your confidence, causing you to wallow in the hideous tent of low self-esteem.

Also, not being able to control your emotions or being impulsive will cause you to commit to things you don’t want to or make you tell people things you would have wanted to. Either way, emotional maturity is non-negotiable!

The spiritual state of your life

When you receive coins, torn money, or a small amount of money from a dead person in a dream, it means that your spiritual life is in a sorry state. You pay little to no attention to your spiritual growth.

Conversely, receiving lots of money in bags, briefcases, or paper bags reveals your spiritual life is well attended to, but you could still do better.


Dreaming about receiving money from a dead person is also an indication that you may become blind either through an accident, a fight, untreated eye problems, or the excessive use of artificial products.

Take heed and refrain from any activity that could make you lose your eyesight. Ensure to do routine checkups to ensure everything is alright.

Moral support to move on

Receiving money from a person you love so much that has passed symbolises the need to move on. A goodwill message for you to live your life happily, as that will make your loved one even happier where they are.

Summing up

Receiving money from a dead person in a dream reveals that the dreamer may have become blind or may have just received a transfer of the problems the dead person faced when they were alive.

Also, the dream reveals the need for the dreamer to discover their strengths, utilise them, and work on the level of their emotional maturity.

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