Seeing Someone In A Dream Then In Real Life

It is not good to let just about anyone interpret your dreams, as you could miss the exact message your dream is trying to convey. Not every phenomenon in life should be interpreted with basic logic, as some things have spiritual and deeper meanings.

Seeing someone in your dream and then in real life is not a coincidence, and the exact meaning of this dream depends on the entire scenery of the dream, so feel free to drop your dream in the comment box or send us an email, and I will reply as fast as possible.

Seeing someone in a dream then in real life

A calling to embrace Powers within you

Your dream signifies the need for you to begin to harness the powers within you—not magical powers—but harnessing the strength of the universe and your mind to your benefit.

Seeing someone in a dream and then, in reality, revealing that you are favored by the universe with a heightened force of attraction. Also, your mind is like a magnet that can attract good things, people, or negative things to yourself.

Being aware of this difference you have over everyone else helps you become cautious about the things you think about or wish for.

Some scientists have carried out numerous studies, but one I have picked interest in is quantum jumping—the act of accessing other realms that exist at the same time as the realm of your waking life. And this and my numerous experiences have further equipped my belief in the spiritual.

I will give you an assignment that will leave you in shock; it will further aid you in peering into the power of your mind and the need to embrace the spiritual aspect of your life.

Clear all forms of doubt from your heart, then for the next one week, think of someone through the day and evenings—wish and long to see them or speak with them. Within the week or month, you will bump into this person or receive a call or text from this person.

When you experience this basic yet powerful aspect of your being, you can always feel free to reach out to me to help you grow further, or you could do your research and develop the power within you.

Premonition or Warning

Having a dream of someone experiencing a difficult situation or attacking you, then seeing them in real life, is a confirmation that you just had a premonition that they were about to experience difficulty or hurt you emotionally or physically.

I have mentioned numerous experiences of mine in the dream that eventually played out in reality, like a sandy podium collapsing underneath me in the dream and then having an accident that almost ruined my right leg that same day.

This is why I would love to hear the entirety of your dream, to help you understand what is about to happen.

Spiritual connection

When we speak of soulmates or destiny partners, most people view this concept in only the romantic or “awn” events.

However, you may not be romantically linked with your soulmate, but each time you spend with this person, you will feel less burdened or drained. You will feel the zeal to get something going or started.

Your dream reveals a strong spiritual fusion between you and the person, especially if you were both having a good time in the dream. Having this person as a part of your life journey will make things easier, and no mountain will be too big to climb together.

You were given a message to convey

Dreaming about someone and seeing them in your waking life reveals the person is going through lots of emotional or physical pain, and you have a message of hope to deliver to them. As simple as a compliment could strengthen this individual and prevent them from doing something crazy.

Before writing this article, I received an email on this topic from Mary (not her real name) about a month ago. She said she saw a person standing among people looking confused.

When she woke up, she didn’t pay attention to the dream because it felt so random, but she was shocked to bump into this person later that day.

Then I replied to her, saying, “The individual she saw in the dream is going through a lot of emotional stress, which may make him take an irrational action. If it was possible for her, she should invite him for it out.”.

When they sat out over some coffee (since she was already armed with the interpretation I gave her), she said things and asked questions that made him comfortable, and she talked for an hour straight, narrating all his pains.

This might also be the case for you.

Summing Up

Seeing someone in a dream then in real life reveals the dreamer needs to utilize the power of attraction in their mind. It also indicates a spiritual connection with the person you saw in your dream or a warning of what is about to happen to that person.

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