If you can dream and recall your dream when you wake, count yourself a lucky person, as a lot of people don’t dream, and a lot don’t remember their dream—missing out on priceless information like what seeing someone’s name written in a dream meaning could reveal.
Some dreams may not make sense or may feel like they don’t concern you, but I assure you that all dreams have meaning and are not just there for their sake. Even dreams you have when you take certain medications are also bearing messages.
If you have read widely, you’d have seen some religious group of people give you psychoactive drugs like mushrooms to connect you to a different realm, making all our dreams make sense irrespective of the circumstances surrounding them. Let’s proceed to the meaning of your dream.
Seeing someone’s name written in a dream meaning
Seeing someone’s name written in a dream meaning indicates the need to banish unforgiveness from your heart. Unforgiveness does a lot more harm than good in your life and the life of the person who may have hurt you.
Unforgiveness is like a chain, and when you harbor thoughts of bitterness towards another person, then unforgiveness, like a chain, binds you as a pet and begins to control your life.
You will find out that you will barely be happy; you will always be stuck in resentment and anger. If you see the person who may have offended you, your heart begins to burn in rage.
Now, let me tell you what this will do to you. This will cripple your finances, joy, and happiness, and even limit your progress. The time you will use to think better things for your life, you spend with someone else bad and plotting how you’ll revenge.
Also, unforgiveness attracts the spirit of failure and stagnancy. The more you harbor unforgiveness in your mind, the less likely you are to do well in life.
Read: Seeing your name written in a dream biblical meaning.
Seeing someone’s name written in a dream (a person you know) indicates a warning against danger. The individual may have an accident or engage in an act that will bring them a lifetime of sickness.
Reach out to the person and warn them of the possibility of contracting HIV or another sexually transmitted disease from engaging in reckless sexual acts.
This dream could also be a warning to you: if you don’t become serious with your life, you could be left behind while others excel. Begin to take your life seriously, eliminate procrastination and laziness, and make hay while the sun shines.
You have a role to play
Seeing someone’s name in a dream means you have a role to play in the person’s life as a counselor, comforter, financial helper, or carer.
You may have met this person, or you have yet to meet this person. Your care is going to prevent this individual from committing suicide.
Be vigilant
Seeing someone’s name written in a dream signifies the need to be more vigilant about your business, surroundings, relationships, and life as a whole. Be careful not to be caught off guard, or you may lose things or people that matter to you.
Pay attention to every area of your life; your relationships, health, assets, business, etc. Don’t live on assumptions, communicate or check extensively, and ensure everything is okay and there is a proper balance of time given to important things in your life.
Expel the spirit of envy and jealousy
Seeing someone’s name written in a dream signifies the need for you to expel all forms of envy, hatred, and jealousy from your mind. If you are not happy about someone else’s success, you will not achieve success either.
Irrespective of your religion or what you believe in, some principles guide the earth. Certain actions we carry out attract certain responses. A major principle is GIVING and TAKING: what you put in is what you get (taking into consideration location, time, and season).
When you envy, you attract certain forces to yourself, and these forces feed off your evil thoughts while also depositing rejection, hatred, depression, and failure into your life. The happier you make yourself, the more successful you become in all your endeavors, as you will attract a positive spirit and force to yourself.
Read Dream of writing name on list spiritual meanings.
Seeing someone’s name written on a wall in a dream meaning
Seeing someone’s name written on the wall in your dream admonishes you not to have a sexual relationship with everyone you meet; otherwise, people who are meant to be of great help to your destiny will leave your life before fulfilling their roles.
Seeing someone’s name written on wood in a dream meaning
Seeing someone’s name written on wood depicts illness. The individual is going to fall sick anytime soon. However, if it is a name you don’t know, then you are the one who will fall sick soon. Pay attention to your health by watching what you put into your mouth.
Seeing someone’s name written on a stone in a dream meaning
Seeing someone’s name written on a stone reveals that you have a role to play in someone close to your life, to enable the person to fulfill their dream or desire.
Seeing someone’s name written on paper in a dream meaning
The dream of seeing someone’s name written on paper means foresight. Begin to source for opportunities that will elevate your status. Don’t be comfortable living an average life. Expand your knowledge and further your pursuits in life.
Summing Up
Seeing someone’s name written in a dream highlights that you need to be more vigilant, forgiving, and expel envy from your life, otherwise, you will keep encountering things that will bring sadness to your life.