Spiritual Meaning Of Releasing Sperm In A Dream

There was a certain period of my life when I always had dreams of having sex with people I knew or didn’t know, and I may release them into them or spill on the floor. It always felt real—to the point that I would wake up from dreams and have sperm all over me.

I tried praying and reading to find a solution. I learned how to start waking up from dreams where people came to seduce me, and the whole event stopped. However, after a while, it continued, but this time, it was people that I knew, making it hard to stop midway.

Paying more attention, I discovered that after each experience, I would have a financial debacle or something that was going well would suddenly fail and collapse. This was when it dawned on me that certain forces beyond the regular human understanding of wet dreams were at play.

I have taken numerous strides and successfully stopped such occurrences in my dream, and I will interpret your dream and prefer a solution that could exempt you from such occurrences.

The spiritual meaning of releasing sperm in a dream

Lack of confidence

Releasing sperm in dreams reveals the lack of confidence in the dreamer’s life. You don’t believe in yourself and can’t express your thoughts or convey your feelings efficiently.

This lack of confidence will cause you to lose a lot of things in life, make people take advantage of you, and even make you settle for someone you are not destined to share the rest of your life with.

Presence of marine spirits

Forces are residing and operating from within all the elements of this world, including water, wind, etc. For example, have you noticed that when you confess negative things, they tend to happen faster than when you make positive pronouncements?

These are the work of negative forces residing in the atmosphere, which is why spiritual people will ask you not to speak of good things that are about to happen in your life, so they don’t face delay, and for you to be careful of the things you say, so they don’t become your reality.

In the water, we have marine forces that are known as jealous lovers. Your parents or ancestors before you may have entered a covenant that has made them keep coming for you, or you may have had an encounter with a person possessed by marine spirits.

If you dedicate yourself to worshiping these marine spirits, they will make things move smoothly for you. However, you are unaware of their presence in your life, and yet, go ahead to have carnal knowledge of the ladies in your waking life—the marine forces will keep trying to frustrate your every life move.

Dreaming about releasing sperm in the dream reveals the presence of a marine spirit in your life that could frustrate your finances, career love life, favor from people, and general progress in life.

Loss of virtue

The dream of releasing sperm reveals a loss of virtue in the life of the dreamer. This virtue stands for the divine mark of aura on your head that makes people favor you or that makes you excel where others struggle to excel.

Events of expelling sperm in the dream usually carry the same implication as eating food in the dream. A whole lot can be taken from or deposited into your life in a matter of seconds.

Spiritual Wife

Releasing sperm on the floor or in a person reveals the presence of a spiritual wife. This is not limited to marine spirits but extends to familiar spirits, witches, or a person who is secretly lusting after you and, knowingly or unknowingly, projecting evil into your life.

When spiritual wives are present in your life, you will struggle to maintain a love relationship in your waking life as they want you solely to themselves or for the purpose of frustrating your life efforts.

Many people don’t believe in this concept, but given my years and experience, I always tell them, “You can’t disprove what you haven’t experienced; it shows your nativity.”.

If you do all that should be done in your relationship, career, and other aspects of your life and yet you keep having debacles and constant or occasionally reoccurring dreams of releasing sperm, then you are battling a spiritual union you need to break free from.

Depending on your religion, there are numerous spiritual activities that could break you free from such bondage.


Releasing sperm in the dream is a warning from your spirit guide concerning a looming sickness in the form of a sexually transmitted disease and infection that may lead to infertility over time.

If you lead a reckless sexual life or have multiple partners, you should begin to take precautionary measures and test yourself so you can deal with any infection or disease on time before they wreak havoc in your body.

Weakened spiritual life

Having reoccurring dreams of releasing sperm shows your state of being—you lack spiritual backup because you don’t attend to your spiritual life and live a hypocritical life of sinning in hiding and pretending to be such a great person in the open—creating a crack in your protection that could make evil forces overwhelm your life.

In life, you don’t sit on the fence; you are either here or there. Building and developing your spiritual life is very important. It saves you from a whole lot of problems, as you will start having clearer dreams and visions. You will also begin to have a premonition of negative events before they occur.

What should you do if you keep having dreams of relating sperm?

First of all, you need to get a grip on your sexual urges in your waking life, and this will give you strength to wake up from dreams where someone comes to seduce you. Self-mastery and control are basically the solutions to most physical and spiritual problems.

Secondly, you need to carry out religious exercises that will separate you from these forces. Fasting, prayers, spreading eight seeds of alligator pepper in each corner of your room, or deliverance activities that your religion permits will set you free.

Summing Up

The spiritual meaning of releasing sperm in a dream reveals a lack of confidence in your life and the presence of marine forces that will keep causing issues in your love life and losses in your finances.

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