Dreams are like spiritual mirrors of our past, present, and future. They reveal mysterious things in our lives in the form of puzzles, which is why we need prophetic revelations to decipher the messages our dreams convey.
I received an email this morning requesting the interpretation of swollen feet in a dream, so I decided to write an article about it so it could benefit other readers.
Spiritual meaning of swollen feet in a dream
Swollen feet in a dream represent a forthcoming or already existing sickness. Your casual affairs with numerous partners and lack of proper care for your health by not eating healthy foods will cause you to develop sickness in your waking life.
It is not as fun as you think it is to sleep around, especially when you begin to learn about the exchange of spirits and the draining of virtue casual sexual acts could cause. Even when using protection, lots of negative spirits could be transferred to you during intercourse, blocking good things from coming into your life.
Health is wealth! You can have all the money in the world, but you can never be happy if your health is lacking. Be cautious of what you eat and drink, as they have a key role in whether your health will degenerate or not.
Dream of swollen feet reveals that you have been loaded with spiritual toxins spiritually that will begin to manifest in the form of a bad attitude and an evil smell, leading to constant rejection and abandonment.
One of the sneakiest things evil forces do is project a negative character in you through your thoughts and then give you the illusion that you are correct in all you do.
These negative characteristics could be: always nagging, never listening to counsel, I know it all, lack of resourcefulness, procrastination, being unnecessarily rude, etc.
If you pay attention to your life, each time you begin to exhibit these characteristics, it scares people away. That is the will of evil forces for your life.
Breaking free is easy. The first step is to pray to God for deliverance, then start working against those attributes in you, or else you will turn away people that God has projected to move your life to greater heights.
Unfriendly friends and family
Your dream reveals that envious friends and family members surround you. And the hatred they have for you gathers a dark smoke around your life, preventing anything good you tell them from coming to pass.
When your enemies are your family or friends, it can be difficult to find out, as you can never imagine that such a close person could carry negative thoughts about you in their hearts.
But I will tell you very clearly: the people who can cause you great harm are usually around you, as they know your ins and outs, which is why you should be careful after having this dream.
Limit those tales of good things happening in your life to yourself. You must not post everything on your social media accounts or announce everything. Wait for things to mature before you announce them. Also, watch out for friends or family who always come up with unnecessary competition between you and them.
Financial debacle
Swollen feet in the dream reveal financial debacles. When you are about to get prosperous in life or receive a promotion in your workplace, suddenly, everything will come crashing down.
This loss signifies that you are battling with the spirit of never-do-well, which has been projected on you by curses that were either placed on you directly or placed on your forefather and have found their way to you.
If you have hurt anyone in the past that has warranted them to make negative utterances in your life, seek forgiveness as soon as you can. However, if you have not done anything to anyone that may have brought curses, then pray against every foundational curse that makes your life move in circles of stagnancy
Emotional burdens
You are lonely—feeling unloved and useless—and constantly being put down by the people you love and trust as your dream portends.
People don’t match your energy towards them, leaving you with thoughts and emotional pains. Your dream reveals that you can only become what you want to be.
If you want to remain a dump bag for people, then that is what you’ll be. If you want to be there for people who will never be there for you, then that is what it’ll be.
For things to change, you have to begin to set boundaries. Don’t give more than you are receiving. Respect yourself to the point that you shouldn’t put in more energy than other people put into your life. Reassure yourself every morning that you are enough for yourself and people who genuinely want to be a part of your lovely self.
Summing up
The spiritual meaning of swollen feet in a dream signifies the sickness you could get from casual relationships and not eating well, financial debacles as a result of curses, and emotional burdens that make you feel less of yourself.
As always, you can drop your dreams in the comment section, and I will interpret them as quickly as I can. Remain blessed!