Spiritual Meaning Of Buying A Car In A Dream

Exactly four months ago, a lady sent me her dream where she got a new blue car, I explained to her the meaning of her dream according to the context she provided in the email (you can also send your dreams to our email, and I’ll gladly interpret them for you).

She wasn’t feeling too happy in that dream, but after buying the car in her dream, she became excited. I told her the person she was dating was not her husband, but if she forced on and got married, neither she nor the man would experience happiness all the days of their lives.

Two weeks ago, she sent an email saying that her partner just woke up, packed his stuff, hit the gas and went, and stopped taking her calls. Wow! If not for her dream, she wouldn’t have been a bit prepared for such a surprise.

When your God, spirit guide, or the universe is trying to prevent future mishaps, you have to learn to lean in their direction, because proving stubborn will only cause you to hurt and regret.

Spiritual meaning of buying a car in a dream

Seeking and developing prospects

You lack the basic attributes of excelling exceedingly, which are taking initiative, being consistent, and capitalizing on opportunities littered around you, as the dream of buying a car depicts.

Do not be comfortable being midway or settling for what you don’t want. While it is okay to start low—if that is the only option available—it should not prevent you from searching for ladders that will take you higher in life.

Spiritual growth

Buying a car in the dream represents the need to explore your inner self and connect deeply with the supernatural, which, in turn, will open your third eye and make your journey through life an easy one.

This spiritual growth is not based on confessions only, but a consistent act of meditation, engaging in required spiritual acts (praying, fasting, or other activities your religion may require), and ethical living.

The major reason why you feel empty, depressed, and unfulfilled, is because you keep chasing after material things, and this race never ends.

When you propel towards your spiritual growth, you will activate the power of your mind (gaining the ability to attract the good things you desire without having to kill yourself for them), have clearer dreams and visions, and connect with the universe (get warnings of negative events beforehand, and premonitions of positive things bound your way).


You will experience a positive financial change. However, this forthcoming wealth is dependent on your activities (right career choice, saving, investing, looking for loopholes, and capitalizing)—just like you had to buy a car in the dream.

Building wealth seldom happens overnight; it takes months and years of saving, planning, and learning how to network to get people to support your ideas.

While we won’t take our money and possessions to the grave, don’t forget that they could help and give your kids the right kind of start for their lives—stating a positive financial trend in your generation.

Emotional growth

Most positive advancements and mishaps you will face in life stem from your lack of self-mastery—the ability to control your emotions—which dictates your actions or inactions.

I have seen people make wrong career choices, choose the wrong partners, and let people ride on them all because they lack self-will and are consumed by an inferiority complex.

Not everything that happens to you happens because someone is after your life or a spiritual force is hunting you down—most things will happen to you because your parents raised you with self-esteem issues—which was key for them to control you and massage their egos—jeopardizing your future in the process.

However, buying a car in the dream reveals that you can still take charge of your life by deciding what you can allow to happen, how you let people treat you, and your mindset towards going after things you need and not settling for what is available.

Need to change career or not to marry who you are seeing currently

Buying a car in the dream indicates that it is time to change or step up your career. It also reveals you are not on the right track in choosing a spouse.

Do not be afraid to engage in job hopping or to take that bold step of starting a business of your own. However, you need a certain level of experience and emotional maturity—knowing you need to have a certain amount of savings and a certain job before you hop.

While your partner may currently seem to tick most of your boxes, you need to think beyond the boundaries of love and lust—does their character match what you would love to live with for months? years?  Are they supportive? Do they have listening ears?

Summing up

The spiritual meaning of buying a car in a dream indicates you are about to get wealthy through opportunities around you but need a great deal of emotional maturity, self-mastery, and spiritual growth, which will aid you in maintaining the wealth.

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